Senior Home Care Checklist

Many Families Don’t Know What to Ask When Interviewing Home Care Companies!

So we thought we would make it easy for you! Below is our carefully curated list of questions that families MUST be asking potential home care companies BEFORE they make any decisions.  Let’s face it, we spend hours, weeks and sometimes months researching our next car or tech purchase,  and that decision is not nearly as important as choosing the RIGHT home care provider!

Top Things To Look For When Choosing A Home Care Company

1. Do Your Research on Local Home Care Companies.

Don’t be the family who picks up the phone and chooses the first company they called just because they answer the phone and said they could help. Reach out to several area professionals, certified senior advisors or  non-profit organizations and ask for two or three of their trusted choices for in-home care. You’ll be looking for companies recommended by multiple resources and can help ensure that you are on the right track.

After getting comfortable with these companies over the phone, request two or three of your top picks to set up a free, no obligation in home assessment to help you determine the best company for you.

2. When It Comes to Your Loved Ones, Have High Expectations…Don’t Settle!

Remember that the home care agency and their team are there for you to make your life easier not the other way around. In order for home care to be successful for all parties involved, everyone needs to see each person coming in the home to provide care as a “9” or “10” on your own personal scale of 1 to 10. Anything less will not work for any amount of time!

3. Expect and Provide Great Communication

It’s no secret that a successful working relationship requires the client, the family, the provider and caregivers to have great communication skills. Don’t ever let the small things fester or go unsaid, especially when it comes to your loved one’s care. Nip these items in the bud right away and don’t ever feel bad about doing so! One tip to understanding an agency’s communication style is to read online reviews from customers and employees.

4. Learn about the Company’s Recruiting and Retention Practices

Contrary to popular belief, there is no shortage of wonderful caregivers who are called to serve others! However, Companies who are committed to recruiting and retaining their employees will deliver an exceptional home care experience for their clients and employees. It is important to note each company’s recruiting, screening and retention practice will make a difference in the caliber and quality of Caregivers they attract.

5. Commitment to Training and Education

Families should always take the extra step to  learn about a company’s commitment to the training and education standards of their staff. To ensure that the client and team are safe at all times, verify that the agency implements ongoing training.

6. Understand the Company’s Why

A ‘Why’ is similar to a purpose statement, something bigger than organization that motivates and empowers their employees to serve. Inquiring an employee’s ‘Why’ or why they joined the agency or organization can be eye-opening when making a provider choice. Some organizations may be reading a script, or fall short in making a connection over the phone. Keep an open ear for this.

7. Ask about the Company’s Culture

Inquire about the company’s Mission Statement and Core Values that they live by. One thing that is very simple yet extremely important; Happy Employees = Happy Customers. A Company’s set of Core Values can be a sign of a future reliable and consistent Care Team!

8. Evaluate Experience & Expertise

Look into how long the home care company has been in business and their specific expertise in caring for individuals with needs similar to your loved one’s. Companies with a proven track record and specialized experience can often provide a higher level of care. Ask about any certifications, awards, or recognitions they have received that are unique or exclusive to the industry.

9. Check for Comprehensive Services

Ensure the company offers a wide range of services that might be required as your loved one’s needs evolve. This can include personal care, medical care, companionship, transportation, and more. A company that provides comprehensive services can adapt to changing needs without the need to switch providers, ensuring continuity of care. Additionally, inquire if they require deposits, commitments, or minimums. It’s also beneficial to know if they provide backup caregivers or conduct quality assurance visits to maintain high standards of care.

10. Verify Insurance, Bonding, and State Requirements

Confirm that the home care company is properly insured and bonded. This not only protects you and your loved one but also ensures that the company adheres to state and federal regulations. Additionally, check if they perform background checks on their caregivers and ensure that the company meets all state licensing requirements. This adds another layer of security and trust.

11. Ask About the ‘What If’s’

What if… there’s a major weather event? What if… a Caregiver calls in sick? It’s important to candidly ask about a company’s contingency plans for situations where a caregiver is unable to make it to a scheduled visit. It’s better to know early on if they have backup caregivers readily available and what their protocol is for handling emergencies. Not all companies will have back-up support in place, or may ask Family to jump in – and that works for some Families! Reliable companies should have a clear and efficient plan communicating that they are prepared and ready to respond to service interruptions.

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